Nursery Ministry
Welcome to Covenant’s Nursery Ministry!
This ministry serves infants to 2 year olds and is located on the 1st floor.
Check-in stations are located at the Nursery Welcome Desk, in the Commons, and in the Sanctuary foyer. All children MUST wear a name tag while attending Sunday School and Children’s Worship.
Your child’s class is printed on their check-in label/nametag. This ensures that volunteers know their name and also lists any allergies. If your child has allergies, and they are not printed on his nametag, please notify a Children’s Ministry staff member.
Sundays | 8:30 & 11:00 Worship, 9:45 Sunday School
Children age infant through 2 years will participate in crafts and age-appropriate play.
Wednesdays@Covenant | 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Tuesday Morning Bible Studies (as needed)
Children age infant through 5 years are welcome to attend nursery care while parents participate in Bible studies offered through the Women’s Ministry. Please visit the Women’s Ministry page to see what is offered. Children will enjoy a safe, fun environment to engage in great indoor and outdoor playtime.
Childcare is also provided during church-wide events for children age infant through 5 years. When planning to attend an event, please make note of nursery times and registration information.
During the summer and over holidays, the nursery will offer camp-like days for children age infant through 5 years. These themed events require pre-registration and are full of fun crafts, games, snacks, and more.
Children age 2 and under are invited to attend in the nursery. (If they are 3 prior to September 2020, they will be in the preschool ministry.) During special Nursery Ministry events, children in Kindergarten and under are invited to attend.
Children are assigned by age to classrooms while maintaining a safe teacher-to-child ratio.
Please bring diapers, wipes, bottle or sippy cup, baby food and spoon (if during meal time), change of clothes, and pacifier or lovey. Please make sure everything is labeled.
Children may be dropped off for ministry events 15 minutes prior to the event time.
Please click here to review our wellness policy. We do ask that all families using our nursery and children’s ministry adhere to this policy to promote wellness and safety for all our families.
Promotion Sunday generally falls on the first Sunday after the school year begins (in early August). Children that are 3 years old by September 1 will promote to Preschool Ministry and children younger than 3 will remain in the nursery.
Due to spacing, stages of walkers, etc., some infants and toddlers will promote to new classes within the Nursery throughout the year as needed.
- We ask all families to check children in through our Shelby Next Check-in system.
- Children’s Building exterior doors are on a schedule to lock and maintain security.
- 2-3 nursery employees are in each classroom. We also have a staff supervisor on the hall. Only nursery employees change diapers and assist with bathroom.
- Only parents, staff members, and the security deacon are allowed on the Nursery Hall when children are present.
If you are a member, we will use ShelbyNext to access your information to contact you via text message. If necessary, we will come find you in your Adult Sunday School classroom or in the Sanctuary during gathered worship.
If you are a visitor, we ask you to complete a visitor nametag that will provide the information needed to contact and/or find you if needed.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are not serving snacks at this time.
Please notify the Nursery Welcome Desk. Staff and teachers will be made aware, and your child will be provided with an “allergy” sticker for them to wear while in the nursery.
Yes. Please contact Katie Flores, Director of Enfold Disability Ministry, at kflores@covpres.com. We would love to learn about your family and how we can serve alongside you.
Explore Our Children’s Ministries
Nursery Contact:
Jami Bennett, Director of Nursery Ministries and Mother’s Day Out,
Anne Hall, Assistant Director of Nursery Ministries,