Weekly Activities
Gathered Worship | 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School | 9:45 am
Children are divided into classes by grade for Sunday School.
There are two teachers per class.
Help us get to know you and the unique needs of the individual in your care: Enfold Disability Ministry
Check-In at a Welcome Station
Check-in stations are located at the Nursery Welcome Desk, in the Commons, and in the Sanctuary foyer. All children MUST wear a name tag while attending Sunday School and Children’s Worship.
Your child’s class is printed on their check-in label/nametag. This ensures that volunteers know their name and also lists any allergies. If your child has allergies, and they are not printed on his nametag, please notify a Children’s Ministry staff member.
Please walk your child to his/her Sunday School classroom.
Children’s Worship
Children’s Worship is available during both the 8:30 and 11:00 services for our 3K, 4K, and Kindergarten friends! Children will begin in worship with their parents and are invited to Children’s Worship after the Passing of the Peace.
For the 11:00 service, children in 3K will be escorted by a staff member from Sunday School to Children’s Worship until January. All other children will attend worship with their parents until they are invited to Children’s Worship during the Passing of the Peace.
ALL children will rejoin their families for Communion.
Wednesday Night kidConnection
5:15 - 7:15 pm
All children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to kidConnection each week.
5:15 Dinner (Fellowship Hall)
5:45 Drop off / Free Play (eat dinner with parents in the Fellowship Hall; each child must be dropped off BY A PARENT)
6:15 Worship and activities
7:15 Pick up
Parent or Caregiver of Individual Affected by a Disability:
Help us get to know you and the unique needs of the child in your care: Enfold Disability Ministry
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