Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry comes alongside parents to meet our 6th through 12th grade students where they are. Through Sunday School classes, small groups, one-on-ones, Wednesday night studies, youth worship times, retreats, mission trips, and more, we desire to see our students grow and mature in their faith and as members of our church body.
Gathered Worship 8:30 and 11:00 am (Sanctuary)
Sunday School 9:45 am (Youth Rooms)
Jr. High Large Group 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Sr. High Small Groups 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Please email Sara Litten (slitten@covpres.com) if you'd like to get involved in a group.
Dinner 5:15 pm
Jr. High Small Groups 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Sr. High Large Group 7:00 - 8:15 pm
Youth Ministry Staff
Sara Litten, Director of Youth Ministries slitten@covpres.com
Madelyn Cheshire, Director of Girls’ Ministries mcheshire@covpres.com
Rachel Davis, Assistant Director of Girls’ Ministries rdavis@covpres.com
Daniel Sluis, Director of Guys’ Ministries dsluis@covpres.com
Sean Walsh, Assistant Director of Guys’ Ministries swalsh@covpres.com
Connect with our Youth Ministry on Social Media.