Children’s Ministry
Covenant Presbyterian Church’s Children’s Ministry exists to create a passion for God’s Word that the next generation may learn of God’s glory in order that they may delight in Him through Jesus Christ. The Children’s Ministry team is excited about the opportunity to serve your family and be a resource to help point your children to Christ. We look forward to providing a loving, nurturing and fun environment for your children to grow in the knowledge and love of our Savior.
Explore Our Children’s Ministries
Children’s FAQ
Children are assigned by age and/or grade. Preschool Ministry is located on the 2nd floor of the Children’s Ministry Building for children 3 years old (by September 1 of the school year) – Kindergarten. Elementary Ministry is located on 3rd floor for 1st-5th grades.
Children may be dropped off for Sunday morning and Wednesday evening events 10 minutes prior to start time. This allows teachers adequate time to prepare.
We ask all families to check children in through our ShelbyNext check-in system. Our exterior doors into the Children’s Building are on a schedule to lock and keep the building secure. Children’s Ministry staff will remain on the hallways while children are present. We also have a security officer and/or police officer present on campus. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us.
Promotion Sunday usually falls on the first Sunday after the school year begins (in early August). However, children finishing Kindergarten move to the Elementary Ministry the first Sunday in June.
If you are a member or regular attender, we will have access to your contact information in ShelbyNext. If necessary, we will come find you in your Adult Sunday School class or in the Sanctuary during gathered worship. If you are a visitor, we ask that you complete a visitor nametag for your child, this includes space for your phone number.
You can visit our church calendar. We also send out communications via email and post on our Instagram account @covpreskids. If you would like to be included in our email list, please subscribe here.
Children in 3K will be transitioned from Sunday School to Children’s Worship by a Children’s Ministry staff member until January.
Children in 4K through Kindergarten should be picked up by a parent from Sunday School to attend Gathered Worship. During the Passing of the Peace, children will be invited to Children’s Worship. A Children’s Ministry staff member will escort children from the Sanctuary Foyer to their classroom and children will return to their families for Communion.
Yes, we do serve snacks. If your child has an allergy or special dietary need, please notify the Welcome Desk at check-in as well as your child’s teacher. Please feel free to contact us.
Please notify the Welcome Desk. We have stickers that your child can wear noting allergies. Please notify your child’s teacher as well. You may also contact the Children’s Ministry staff. We would be happy to talk with you.
Yes. Please contact Kristian Hatley, Director of Enfold Disability Ministry, khatley@covpres.com. We would love to learn about your family and how we can serve alongside you as we worship together.
Children’s Ministry Contact:
Laura Tucker, Director of Children’s Ministries
Sarah Faulkner, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries
Jocelyn Martin, Ministry Assistant
(Children’s Ministries)